Hosted by: Alex Szepietowski

Hosted By:

Alex Szepietowski

Alex Szepietowski is a property investor, public speaker and an expert in the UK when it comes to HMO investing. He invested in his property education using his student loans, grants and credit cards and went on to purchase 30 properties within the first few years.

Alex started his property business without knowledge or capital whilst at University, and went on to purchase 30 properties within the first few years. Having had some personal success, Alex started working with others in 2014, and his first mentee, Andi, became financially free a year later as a result of purchasing 3 properties. Alex has gone on to support and work with thousands who want more time, choice and freedom in their lives.


This is a great opportunity to spend the day with Alex Szepietowski. He will be sharing how you too can become financially free right here in London – and how you can, irrespective of your circumstances, connect to an inner sense of joy, peace and purpose en route!

Not your average Wednesday... learn how to become financially free no matter who you are, or what circumstances you have!


You can be next just by following the systems you'll learn at Progressive Property's Serviced Accommodation Discovery Day on Monday 18th March 2024, LIVE at the Progressive Training Suite in Peterborough, taking place from 9 am to 1 pm.


  • Build a property portfolio, starting with NONE of your own money… with each property making a NET (in your pocket) of £500 - £1,500+ per month.

  • Create a passive/recurring income of £3,000+ per month in the next 12 - 18 months.

  • Utilise this strategy even if you are a complete property newbie and have no capital to invest (this is most people!). Alex raised and returned £2M as a uni student!

  • Make money, even in a property market crash.

  • Convert a 3-bed house into a 6-bed property which can supercharge the net rental income by up to 5x (awesome practical floorplan exercise)

- Overcome your limiting beliefs and self-destructive patterns around money

- Make a real difference to your tenants and your community by providing affordable, very high quality housing, where tenants actually want to live

We'd suggest you bring along your friends/partner – because they will understand your exciting journey ahead much more and will, like you, leave fully fired up & inspired to support you.

We keep numbers small and intimate, so book right now and find out why people make comments like the above or even "the best investment I have ever made"

We will without a doubt honour your investment of money and time to be there - and we can't wait to share what has allowed such a complete life transformation for us, with YOU...